On August 30, 2010 a New York Times article revealed that researchers have been able to “overcome a fundamental barrier to the continued rapid miniaturization of computer memory that has been the basis for the consumer electronics revolution.” In short, Moore’s Law continues. Moore’s Law created the expectation of miniaturization around which the entire semiconductor industry organized itself. This drove investment into the burgeoning sector, resulting in the innovation that created what we now call The Information Economy.
Today we are at the dawn of a new age, requiring a new kind of economy, powered by clean, renewable energy. Getting this next industrial revolution right has huge risks but also enormous opportunities. While different from those of the information age, these opportunities are driven by the same fundamental principle – Expectation drives Investment which Leads to Innovation.
On Tuesday September 21st in New York City the conference BusinessClimate 2010 will bring together the world’s top business innovators and builders of a sustainable 21st century economy as we search for Moore’s Law for sustainability.